Sunday, April 12, 2009


BFN, big fat negative, in IF terms refers to a negative pregnancy test. While IUI has low statistical results, 6% to 26% to be exact, we supposedly have much greater odds due to our previous test results. Being optimistic I took a pregnancy test when I was late...and then another test the next day, then another the next, and another. I was four days late yet I had four BFN's! I called the nurse who told me to come in Monday for a blood test. I started the next day. Figures. So, now I head back to the doctor for the next round. This last effort was without drugs, the next will likely be with drugs to enhance the odds. Chris said this month was not meant to be because we would have been due on Christmas and that makes for a lousy birthday. I suppose he's right.

Here's the only pic I could possibly link to this last round of injectable drugs. Bring on more drugs!

Now that I'm past yesterdays 'I'm not pregnant' meltdown I am back to my schoolwork. I am nearing the end of the semester and am as busy as ever. Why Chris loves to capture me doing schoolwork in my finest attire is beyond me...but here I am.

I was having a conversation (webcam optional) with my professor and classmates on integrating cultural diversity in nursing education. While the topic at hand was less than exciting, what can be done from the comforts of your PJ's is really amazing.


Jenny Rizer said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your BFN, but I'll keep praying! You look cute studying! :)

Unknown said...

20 bucks says Chris got snipped about 8 years ago and is enjoying all of the effort! keep up the good work Chris.

P.S. I love that headset. Its pretty vogue.