Saturday, January 1, 2011

all things Ryan: 6 months

My baby boy has been in this world for half a year! Ryan is now 16 lbs and 15 oz (yep, one ounce shy of 17 pounds) and 27 inches long (up a one pound and one inch from last month). This puts him in, about, the 45th percentile for weight and the 75th for height. His head circumference continues to be in the 95th percentile. I love the way he's so mesmerized with absolutely everything! He laughs at the most random things and Chris and I do the most ridiculous things to hear him laugh. Seriously, you would think we're certifiable the way we act over here! Here's his monthly chair pic, followed by a few of this months many quirks and accomplishments...

~He got his first tooth on December 17th (5.5 months) and his second tooth just over a week later on December 27th. Both bottom teeth. They are visible when he smiles big but they are nearly impossible to catch on camera. They came in without any trouble.

~He continues to LOVE being naked and sometimes I undress him when he's cranky! And, yes, sometimes pee happens.

~Ryan's such a happy baby. He's even started smiling at strangers...sometimes.

~Just like his Mama, he gets punchy when he gets tired! Yep, we both laugh at everything when we get tired. Hey, its better than getting cranky.

~He continues to roll to get around and he's enjoying playing on his tummy more than before.

~Right after Thanksgiving Ryan got a jumperoo. He loves it! And I love that he loves it!

~His feet are still tasty toys...

~He plays so hard. He loves his toys. A couple rattles, his glow worm, a few talking toys, and a couple teethers are among his current favorites. He also loves reading books...anything with bright colors that he can chew on are favorites.

~We tried feeding our little monkey rice cereal at 4 months. He declined. We then tried off and on until 5.5 months when he finally decided to open his mouth. In addition to rice cereal, he eats sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, and apples. Carrots and pears are up next. Everything is made with love by Mama! Oh, we do use Mazie to entertain him during feedings, take a look...

~Sleep! We are finally getting some sleep! Sometimes he gets up once during the night, sometimes not at all. We are looking for some blackout curtains to help him sleep better (he slept in a really dark room during our visit to Texas and he slept so well there). He's been going down for the night around 6:30 or 7pm and is up about 12 hours later. Naps are still touch and go and afternoon naps are rare.

~He still loves when Daddy comes home from work. In fact, when Chris was in VA and Ryan and I were still in TX (thanks to the blizzard on the East Coast) we skyped and Ryan was so happy to see and hear his Daddy on the computer. It was so sweet!

~And, of course, he is still the most loved baby ever!

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