Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sweet Sleep

For the first couple months (of life) Ryan slept in a sleep chair next to our bed. Then he moved to his pack 'n play in the corner of our room. For a short while we moved the pack 'n play to the office/playroom connected to our bedroom. After gearing up for him to move to his room downstairs (our room is upstairs) we decided it was not logistically ideal so we moved his crib upstairs to the office and there it remains.

Thankfully, Ryan has been a good sleeper for many months now, but over the last couple months his sleeping routine has been particularly sweet. Our routine is as follows:

~Chris bathes Ryan
~Dry off, brush hair, lotion up, diaper on, jammies on
~Chris and I alternate holding him and reading a bedtime story
~Chris carries him upstairs, gets him in his sleep sack, they exchange kisses, and Chris passes Ry to me as I wait in a nearby recliner, and then he turns on the sound machine on his way downstairs

Until a couple months ago I would breastfeed Ryan before laying him down. But about two months ago he decided he longer wanted to breastfeed. He simply refused and there was no going back. So, our routine continues and Chris still hands Ryan to me and leaves the room. Here's where it gets particularly sweet....Ryan snuggles me for about 5 seconds until he tries to play. At that point I turn on his crib aquarium and he nearly leaps from my arms to his crib. I hold up his glow worm for one song and then lay it next to him for another as I leave the room. No fighting. No crying. To top it off, he still hums himself to sleep. Such a sweet sound!

Then before Chris and I go to sleep, we stop by Ryan's crib to see what crazy position he's landed in and admire our perfect baby.

And because I don't have any related sleeping pictures, here are some unrelated but super adorable recent pictures...


Shannon said...

He is just precious!

suzspeaks said...

I'm so glad he is such a good sleeper! That is a sweet routine! He is so stinking cute! Why does VA and OK have to be so far away?