Thursday, July 7, 2011

All things RYAN: 1 year

At 10:39pm on June 27th, 2011, my sweet baby turned ONE. Bittersweet for sure. On one hand he's growing into a wonderful, loving child and on the other he's no longer my little baby. He weighs 22 lbs, 4 oz and is 31 in tall. That's a lifetime weight gain of 16 lbs, 5 oz and a 12.5 inch increase in length.

~ He actually respects the word 'no'. How many people can say that about their 1-year-olds? I'm fully aware this is liable to change at any given minute.

~ Because he recently hit the 30 inch mark, he just transitioned from his infant carseat to his big boy carseat.

~ Ryan still gives open mouth kisses to things/those he loves...people, feet, and animals in his books. But my favorite of his affections is the head nod. It's kinda his signature hug. Sometimes, when someone asks for a kiss, and he doesn't want to kiss them, he simply leans his forehead forward for the said someone to kiss. Even better, he bumps foreheads at random when he wants to show affection. It's so adorable.

~ His blond hair is getting longer and I just love how the curls around the bottom fly out. His cowlicks are going to be lifelong trouble.

~ He continues to give our feet undo attention. He will kiss them repeatedly!

~ He's a great sleeper so long as he's in his bed, sound machine on rain, aquarium nearby, and glowworm in hand. He takes still takes 2 naps and he 'rests quietly' in bed once too. He goes to bed around 6:30pm and sleeps til around 5, 5:30am. It doesn't matter when he goes to bed, he gets up at the same time every morning.

~ He has awesome blue eyes!

~ He is truly a mellow child. Sure, he's active and into everything, but he's actually quite calm. And he's such a good baby.

~ He had his first mall-water-fun experience. He seemed to think it was only so-so.

~ Trying to put shoes on Ryan is like trying to wrangle an alligator.

~ He's a very regimented little boy.

~ He's a great eater. Sure, some days he likes carrots and some days he doesn't.

~ I'm pretty certain he loves the tuperware that houses his blocks more than the actual blocks. Best of all, we play 'smooch face' with the lid. We all do it. Sometimes we kiss each others smooch face.

~ Recently he started playing with pillows. He gets on his knees, holds the pillow up, and then falls down with the pillow. You might need to see it to understand but it's so cute and can entertain him for a good 10 minutes.

~ He still digs a good game of peek-a-boo. Variety keeps it current.

~ He loves practicing walking with his super cool car!

~ He is the most loved baby ever!

1 comment:

suzspeaks said...

We really need to get Ryan and Eli together to play!! Oh wait, the distance might be an issue! :(