Monday, July 14, 2014

all things RYAN : 4 years

Four years old!  I can't believe it.  He's still the sweet, loving little boy he's always been, just a bit more, uh, feisty.  He's so smart.  So caring.  Such a great big brother.  So loved. 

35.5 pounds (30%) | 42.25 inches (90%)
That's a 3 pound and 2.5 inch gain since age 3.

~ He knows what sounds most letters make.  He knows approximately 15 sight words.  He's just starting to sound out words.  He's always been interested in letters and reading, so it's no surprise he's on the path to reading. 

~ He's more cautious than the average 4 year old.  And a bit of a worrier.  And sometimes a planner.  In fact, in the morning he likes to say to me 'Mama, do you have any plans today?"

~ He has an amazing memory.  I mean he memorized all 50 states for crying out loud. 

~ He takes being a big brother very seriously.  He likes to help them with their vocabulary by having them repeat him while he breaks down words or phrases.  It's pretty cute.  Just this morning I heard him say to Ethan, from the potty no less, "what do you need help with?  I will be there in a minute to help you." 

~ This fall he will start pre-k where he will be a 'Pup'.  His teachers will be Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Hall.

~ His gross motor skills constantly improve.  That's to be expected.  What I didn't see coming was how my once cautious kid would become so daring.  That combined with his improved physical abilities often results in my heart skipping a beat or two. 

~ He loves watching Disney's Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  And then playing pretend Jake with his brothers.

~ He's had his scooter for a year and he still loves it. 

~ He's slowly becoming more comfortable in water.  That's a post of it's own. 

~ He's perfected the art of throwing a fit. 

~ He normally takes a 2 hour nap and sleeps 10 hours at night.  And he always sleeps with 'Glowie' the glow worm. 

~ He finally likes to play in the rain.  All it took was his brothers to show him how fun it could be.  Though, he's still hesitant to play in splash parks.  Go figure. 

~ He's happy. 

~ He's loved. 

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