Wednesday, February 11, 2015

all things AUDRA : 1 year

Turning one is just as much a milestone for the parent as it is for the child.  And the last child's milestones are particularly sentimental for parents.  Well, at least this mom.  This is the last first birthday I get.  Sniff, sniff.

As for Audra, she is the most magnificent little girl.  Sweet.  Adorable.  Funny.  Happy.  Perfect.  Loved.

Stats: 18 lbs 11 oz (32%)  |  29 in (43%) 

~ She's so freakin adorable!  And SO happy!  If she's not happy she's either hungry or sleepy. 

~ Bedtime is between 6pm or 6:30pm.  She wakes around 4am, nurses, then back to bed til 7 or 7:30am.  She naps twice a day for about an hour and a half.  This schedule did not come easy.

~ Being one of four kids means guaranteed germs.  Poor thing had a stomach bug at only a couple months old, has had a couple mild colds, and just before her first birthday she got RSV and an ear infections.  Then as soon as she recovered she got his with another stomach bug.  Despite this list, she's a healthy little girl.

~ She gives the best sloppy open mouth kisses.  She also gives 'hugs' in the form of pressing her head into you.  The best is when she walks over and hugs me out of the blue.  Melt my heart.  Recently, when one of the boys cries, she will get right in their face and smile and then give them hugs and kisses.  Caring and compassionate at one, what more could a mother ask for?

~ She has 7 teeth.  She got them fast and it's been months since.  Her doctor says her upper molars are bulging. 

~ She took her first steps at 10 months.  Walking in full force by 11 months.  Running any day now.  Despite learning to walk with 3 little boys darting around her and toys at her every step, she got a 2 month head start on all her brothers.  Sometimes she walks with her arms straight down and her hands slightly behind her, like a little adorable penguin. 

She enjoys crawling upstairs on the heels of her brothers. 

~ She's into everything.  Everything.  It's ridiculous. 

~ She enjoys the water.  We swim once a week and she's content sitting on my hip watching all the action. Splashing from time to time.  I'm hoping being in the water so often from such a young age will keep her from having to overcome any fears of water. 

Come summertime, I know she will love the kiddie pool at our outdoor neighborhood pool.  Unfortunately, I know the boys will want to move on to the big pool.

~ She loves books.  She will bring one to me and back into my lap, the perfect reading spot. 

~ She gets sweeter by the day.  Seriously.  She is by far the most lovable little girl.  Sweet, sweet, sweet. 

~ She was a ladybug for her first Halloween. 

~ She loves to be right up in the boys business.  Loves to 'help'.  Here she is helping me wake Owen from his nap...


~ She has no boundaries when it comes to the personal space of others.  For example, she goes right up to strangers in a waiting room.  Touches their shoes.  Snoops in their purse.  Looks at their phones.  Quite the social butterfly. 

~ She says mama.  Well, she says 'mamamamama' and often it's in my direction.  So, I'm counting it.  She also, in similar fashion, says dada and nonna.  And, quack quack :)

~ She loves babies.  Real or doll.  Kisses and hugs galore.

~ She enjoys the outdoors.  Loves it.  Even if it involves snow.  She's not totally stable on uneven terrain which makes it difficult taking her outside with the boys. 

~ She's an easy going baby, which is pretty much what you need in a 4th child.  And, despite getting fewer blog posts than her brothers, she is the most loved little girl in the entire world!

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