Sunday, July 19, 2009


In the online infertility world TWW stands for two week wait--the two weeks after a procedure before you can take a pregnancy test. However, I have a different TWW this month. Waiting for my 'comp' results. It's just a matter of graduating! Either I do or I don't. No biggie.

On Friday I got my drugs for next month. Woo hoo for drugs! I realize it's twisted to get so excited to give myself shots but it just seems like progress in this whole IF if this cyst will just go away so I can use them.

While waiting at the pharmacy recently I bought a couple stuffed toys for Emma. They are made for dogs and I just couldn't help myself. Even though she destroys them in minutes, she just gets so excited, so it's worth the couple bucks. Now, this one has no eyes (aka choking hazards)....

Ten minutes later...doesn't she look proud?

Next week she gets her first taste of chocolate...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Drugs, Hands, and Maps

So, I switched reproductive endocrinologists. I am not certain of my decision but it is what it is, for now. I went to his office expecting to start my first round of gonadotropins and I left with a prescription for birth control pills! Turns out the multiple rounds of clomid caused a fairly significant ovarian cyst. I can’t start the new drugs until it's gone (or at least smaller) hence the BC pills.

However, the visit wasn't all bad. Infertility clinics have a financial guru who facilitates the insurance and money aspect. You want to make nice with this person. Yesterday, Patti (financial guru #2) told me my drugs would be covered if I didn’t do IUI. Drugs are a couple thousand a month and IUI is a couple hundred…go figure. Plus the drugs are 90% of the equation, IUI the other 10%.

To complicate matters I went to the pharmacy to pick up the stupid BC pills and was told my insurance was cancelled! What! Turns out when Chris switched positions (within the same company mind you) there was a policy change and a glitch on his employers end. We resolved the problem today and will likely be required to resubmit several claims…oh how I can imagine the fun.

On another note, I am fairly certain that once you turn 30 homework becomes 3 times harder! Seriously, its killing me! This week, on top of working on 3 group projects, I am taking my ‘comps’. It stands for comprehensive something or another. Basically, I get an assignment and then 48 hours later I turn in 10 pages of smart, incredibly written, research. This is a pass/fail paper. Fail and you fail the entire program. No pressure.

I wanted to share my latest hand. As many know, I collect hands. My latest purchase is a ‘shaka’ from Hawaii. It’s certainly no masterpiece and I’m fairly certain is was made in China but I had to have it.

My other collection habit is maps from vacation spots. Pretty maps, not the kind you actually use. This started many years ago in northern California. I bought a map of the wineries, on the outside are all the wine labels….it was many years ago and I still love that map.

I just framed my Italy map. Yes, it was a year ago. And maybe in another year my Hawaii maps will have frames!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Needless to say Hawaii was fantastic. Here are a few more pics. Enjoy!

One of the many beautiful beaches we lounged on. The color of the water is breathtaking.

We both celebrated our birthdays. It will be hard to top next year!

I love these rainbow trees!

We got up at the crack of dawn to see the sunrise on top of Haleakala. It was about 40 degrees, which is virtually freezing when your in Hawaii!

What would a visit to the rainbow state be without a rainbow?

July 1st

I'm not sure if those outside the medical community are aware of the significance of July 1st: It's the day when all newly graduated doctors, referred to as interns, begin their journey into doctorhood. For this reason, it is commonly referred to as the worst day to seek medical attention. I mention all of this because Chris has officially finished his residency! He is now working under his own medical license! Who wouldn't feel comfortable in these hands?

I was prepared for the worst most crazy three years, but I must say it was ok.

While I'm talking about my sweet love, I want to make a comment about the garden. Chris planted a few pumpkin seeds back with everything else. Funny thing is, they are growing to be quite the big watermelons! That's right, it appears he accidentally planted watermelons instead of pumpkins! How, you ask? That's a good question!