However, the visit wasn't all bad. Infertility clinics have a financial guru who facilitates the insurance and money aspect. You want to make nice with this person. Yesterday, Patti (financial guru #2) told me my drugs would be covered if I didn’t do IUI. Drugs are a couple thousand a month and IUI is a couple hundred…go figure. Plus the drugs are 90% of the equation, IUI the other 10%.
To complicate matters I went to the pharmacy to pick up the stupid BC pills and was told my insurance was cancelled! What! Turns out when Chris switched positions (within the same company mind you) there was a policy change and a glitch on his employers end. We resolved the problem today and will likely be required to resubmit several claims…oh how I can imagine the fun.
On another note, I am fairly certain that once you turn 30 homework becomes 3 times harder! Seriously, its killing me! This week, on top of working on 3 group projects, I am taking my ‘comps’. It stands for comprehensive something or another. Basically, I get an assignment and then 48 hours later I turn in 10 pages of smart, incredibly written, research. This is a pass/fail paper. Fail and you fail the entire program. No pressure.
I wanted to share my latest hand. As many know, I collect hands. My latest purchase is a ‘shaka’ from Hawaii. It’s certainly no masterpiece and I’m fairly certain is was made in China but I had to have it.
My other collection habit is maps from vacation spots. Pretty maps, not the kind you actually use. This started many years ago in northern California. I bought a map of the wineries, on the outside are all the wine labels….it was many years ago and I still love that map.
I just framed my Italy map. Yes, it was a year ago. And maybe in another year my Hawaii maps will have frames!
1 comment:
I can't believe you have a cyst! I hope it goes away soon! Oh yes, insurance is WAY fun!!
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