Ryan is one lucky little boy to have such a loving, goofy, devoted daddy. Watching the two of them together just melts my heart. Not only do I see the bond between a father and son, but every once in awhile I get a glimpse into our future. What do I see? Kicking around the soccer ball, of course. Silliness. And a lot of mischief, though I'm not yet sure which of the two will be ring leader.
-At birth-
-At 2 Weeks-
Chris is a very involved daddy. For the first month Chris got up every time Ryan woke in the middle of the night, changed his diaper, handed him to me to be fed, then put him back to sleep (or stayed up when Ryan had other plans). Chris also fed him one bottle in the middle of the night so I could get a longer stretch of sleep. Now that Chris has returned to work I've taken over the late night feedings and thankfully nights are much less hectic now. However, the weekends we split; I sleep in on Saturdays, he sleeps in on Sundays.
-Watching the World Cup-
-Out for a Run-
Chris always makes sure I get enough rest. He's not dumb. Let's just say I'm a much nicer person when well rested. In fact, a few nights ago Ryan was up a lot during the night. When Chris got up for work he took Ryan downstairs with him, entertained him while he ate and then put him in his bouncy chair in the bathroom with him while he showered and got ready. And I slept for a glorious, much needed half an hour!
-Night Time Feeding-
-A Pose Before Work-
While Chris is busy teaching Ryan all about sports, chemistry and the ways of the world, Ryan teaches Chris about patience, love and flexibility! What a team.