*Side note: I know he may be a toddler per textbooks, but he's still a baby to me*
He's 32.5 inches tall (85th percentile). Up 1.5 inches from 3 months ago.
Oh, and his head remains in the 95th percentile. His development is where the most growth has occurred.
~ He mimics everything we do. Cute sample, we have to kick the bottom of our front door to get it to open in high humidity. Ryan now stands at the door and lifts his leg (he looks like a puppy marking his territory) and pretends to open the door.
~ He's outgrown his first pair of shoes (sniff, sniff). But he loves his new pair!
~ He follows almost all commands. Correction, he's capable of following all commands though he follows only those he chooses.
~ Prior to the last month, Ryan was relatively quite. He only babbled with the 'M' sound. Over the last couple weeks he's picked up 'N' and 'B' sounds as well. It's amazing how a mere 3 sounds can make such elaborate and often very serious sounding conversations.
~ Upon entering our house, every child between the ages of 10 months and 2 years heads directly to our stairs for a climbing expedition. Every child except our own that is. Yes, he's never shown much interest in exploring the upstairs until...well, funny story...I was cooking him breakfast when I didn't hear him for a minute or two so I did my usual 'wheres Ryan' in which he normal pops in the kitchen laughing. Another 'wheres Ryan' and I hear a half giggle, half panic from UPSTAIRS! As I looked at him from the bottom of the stairs I saw my chances of winning mother of the year dissipate. A gate was ordered and installed that day!
~ Ryan loves all things outdoors. Our new house offers new playing opportunities including grass suitable for barefoot play and a screened in back porch equipped with a water table. And we live within walking distance to a park (and a library). Boy love.
~ He signs more, eat, shoes, book, and 'itsy bitsy spider'. He points. He shakes his head no (more often than I'd like).
~ We got a family membership to the areas children's museum. He loves it. The shot is of our playgroup...they grow up so fast!
~ Ry's still a pretty chill kid. And he loves to people watch other kids, especially older ones.
~ He's still the most loved baby EVER!
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