Monday, July 1, 2013

all things RYAN : 3 years

My sweet baby is 3 years old.  Where did the time go.  He is an absolute delight.  He continues to be a relatively calm kiddo.  He is thoughtful of others and their belongings.  I think his gross motor skills are above average and I think that has a lot to do with playing with older neighborhood kids.  The bottom line is I think he's an amazing little guy.

Stats:  32.5 pounds (75%), 40 inches (95%)
This is a year gain of 4 pounds and 4.5 inches.

~ Ryan talks nonstop.  NONSTOP.  In addition to the constant 'why's', we also hear 'what's your reason for this or that'.  It can be exhausting.  And all this from a little boy who was behind the speech curve a year and a half ago.

He can't say 'L's' and occasionally stutters when he gets excited, both of which I realize are normal for his age.

~ He's been riding a tricycle for 6+ months and a bike with training wheels for 3+ months.  And now he rides his birthday present, a 3 when scooter, like a champion.

~ He's had a dramatic increase in confidence on the playground.  Seriously, a once timid little boy is now a climbing, sliding, jumping big boy!

~ He wears 3T.  It's a constant struggle to find pants small enough around the waist yet long enough for Mr. 95th percentile.

~ Ryan often wants equal attention with the babies.  For example, if the babies are crying, he will fake cry too.  Or if he watches me dress his brother, he wants me to dress him the same.  Sometimes I allow for it, others I reinforce he's a bog boy and the babies are just that, babies.

~ He's a good eater, for a 3 year old.  Currently he loves hotdogs, salmon and rice, fruit cocktail (with cherries, of course), and butter and cheese sandwiches (gag).

~ He now stands to pee.  Yep, I went there.  Hey, it was a big deal in our house.  It makes things go much quicker but watch out if he looses his focus.

While on the topic of potty, Ryan doesn't wear a diaper at nap but does overnight.  I think he'd be fine, but if he were to have an accident, I'm confident he would NOT let us know.  He won't get out of his bed for anything.  A trial is in order soon. 

~ Thankfully he still takes a nap.  Usually a 3 hour nap.  And bedtime routine is as it's been for the last year.  He and Chris go upstairs at precisely 7pm for a bath.  Once in his jammies with teeth brushed, he finds and says goodnight to Nonna.  Then he finds me and the 3 of us read 2 stories before hugs and kisses and a final goodnight. 

~ Just like his little brothers, he loves to give kisses and hugs.  He often says 'snuggle me'.  Who could refuse?

~ He loves to point out school buses, mail trucks, construction vehicles, and convertibles.

~ Ryan can draw circles and lines and draw simple patterns like the sun, the moon, or a rainbow.  And the boy loves himself some stickers.  I find it funny that he will stick stickers on top of each other rather than spread out over the paper.   Stamps and glue are also fun.

~ He asks others if they'd like some of what he's having.  For instance, he asked for some grapes and then asked if his babysitter would like some too.  It's so polite. 

~ Speaking of polite, he seems to be slipping on his 'pleases'.  Reminders are often necessary.

~ He loves to play with his brothers though he sometimes gets frustrated when they don't follow his orders.  He can often be heard asking one of the twins if they'd like to play with him.  And he often bargins, on behlf of the twins, to get them to stay up later so he can play more with them.  The downside is he's starting to forget how to play by himself. 

~ He's a very social little guy. He loves to talk and ask questions with everyone.  With that said, he's still occasionally shy.

~ As always, he is still one of the three most loved little boys!

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