Monday, December 30, 2013

Merry Christmas

The greatest Christmas gifts of all...
E, O, R
Ryan's awareness made this Christmas particularly exciting. 
This was our first year to do Elf on the Shelf.  At first, Ryan was concerned about whether or not the elf was alive.  My answer, he's magical.  Ryan's comeback, but is he real?  Once he came to terms with his mere existence he was very excited.  After much thought he named him Ernie.  I expected Ryan to enjoy the daily search for Ernie, but what I didn't expect was the twins to have so much fun with it.   I think they were more excited to find Ernie than Ryan.  On Christmas eve Ryan told me he was excited for Christmas but sad that Ernie would be going away. 
In Christmas morning we waited for all boys to awake before going downstairs.  Ryan led the pack, followed by the twins, all of whom were super excited to see Santa's delivery.  Ryan ran to find his stocking and then helped the boys find theirs, so sweet.  The twins both went straight for their cozy coupes.  It was quite a whirlwind.  We took a break for breakfast and then opened presents.  The twins didn't even make it through their presents before they were off playing with their gifts.  The rest of the morning was spent doing just that, playing with their loot. 





All and all, a great day!

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