Sure, this isn't my first rodeo. However, Ryan was seriously the easiest kid to potty train. During his training period, he never had a accident. Never. What are the odds the twins would be as easy?
I initiated the same 'training' practice I used with Ryan, the naked method. Here are the highlights...
day 1
peed on the floor 3 times in early morning
then would drip on the floor and run to potty
day 2
one accident when outside wearing shorts
one accident inside
day 3
no accidents
days 4 & 5
ok, accidents here and there
day 6
first (and, thus far, the only) poop in undies, massive mess
day 7
day 8
GREAT! lots of asking to go and actually going. lots of holding it until getting on the potty. no accidents. best day yet!
day 1
went immediately both #1 and #2 (twice)
then dripped 3 times and then ran to potty
day 2
accident outside with shorts on x 2
poop accident x 2
day 3
dripped once before making it to potty
pooped in potty
days 4 & 5
day 6
poop problems caused pee problems both resulting in disaster and ending with pooping in the yard (which, btw, my neighbor picked up thinking it was her dog).
day 7
day 8
GREAT! lots of asking to go and actually going. lots of holding it until getting on the potty. no accidents. best day so far!
Potty training 2 boys at a time is, well, a hot mess. Though, having 2 isn't even my biggest challenge. Having 4 kids is. Do you know how hard it is to help a 2 year old pull his underwear down, while another toddler holds on to your leg for dear life, while holding a baby, and listening to another child yell 'Mama' repeatedly and progressively louder? Despite it all, I'm cautiously optimistic about future progress!