Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Potty Training Twin Boys

Sure, this isn't my first rodeo.  However, Ryan was seriously the easiest kid to potty train.  During his training period, he never had a accident.  Never.  What are the odds the twins would be as easy?

I initiated the same 'training' practice I used with Ryan, the naked method.  Here are the highlights...


day 1
peed on the floor 3 times in early morning
then would drip on the floor and run to potty
day 2
one accident when outside wearing shorts
one accident inside
day 3
no accidents
days 4 & 5
ok, accidents here and there
day 6
first (and, thus far, the only) poop in undies, massive mess
day 7
day 8
GREAT!  lots of asking to go and actually going.  lots of holding it until getting on the potty.  no accidents.  best day yet!


day 1
went immediately both #1 and #2 (twice)
then dripped 3 times and then ran to potty
day 2
accident outside with shorts on x 2
poop accident x 2
day 3
dripped once before making it to potty
pooped in potty
days 4 & 5
day 6
poop problems caused pee problems both resulting in disaster and ending with pooping in the yard (which, btw, my neighbor picked up thinking it was her dog).
day 7
day 8
GREAT!  lots of asking to go and actually going.  lots of holding it until getting on the potty.  no accidents.  best day so far!

Potty training 2 boys at a time is, well, a hot mess.  Though, having 2 isn't even my biggest challenge.  Having 4 kids is.  Do you know how hard it is to help a 2 year old pull his underwear down, while another toddler holds on to your leg for dear life, while holding a baby, and listening to another child yell 'Mama' repeatedly and progressively louder?   Despite it all, I'm cautiously optimistic about future progress!

Monday, September 1, 2014

big boy bed training

At 2 years, 2 months old we decided to move the boys into big boy beds.  Why?  Well, much to our delight, at 5 months old, Audra was finally moving out of the master and into her room.  Thus, she needed a crib.  If it hadn't been for this, the boys would have remained in cribs for as long as possible. 
Of course, I was fully aware the boys might not stay in bed.  But, much to my surprise the boys stayed put.  First night was a success!  In fact, they did great for a couple weeks.  And then at some point it all hit the fan!
First night
-at bedtime-
-during the night-
-in the morning-

The following few nights...

 one of my personal favs

 another favorite...wait, where is the other bed?


Fast forward 2 months.  They are crazy.  Play, play, play.  Move all the books into the beds (books are now on a higher shelf).  Move the beds around (bedframes are in the works).   Be generally destructive (they've taken the entire bag roll out of the diaper genie, pulled the curtains off the wall, torn up books).

So, we put them in their beds.  Give them one warning to stay in bed.  Then, every night, move Ethan into a crib in our room.  Once one of them falls asleep, Ethan gets moved back to his bed.  Just to keep us on our toes, they recently started opening their bedroom door and peeking out.

Individually I think they'd be fine.  Together they're little monsters.  They take turns leading the ruckus, though I currently think Owen is the main instigator.  Still, every night I'm hopeful they will stay put!

Don't even get me started on naptime.