Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Potty Training Twin Boys

Sure, this isn't my first rodeo.  However, Ryan was seriously the easiest kid to potty train.  During his training period, he never had a accident.  Never.  What are the odds the twins would be as easy?

I initiated the same 'training' practice I used with Ryan, the naked method.  Here are the highlights...


day 1
peed on the floor 3 times in early morning
then would drip on the floor and run to potty
day 2
one accident when outside wearing shorts
one accident inside
day 3
no accidents
days 4 & 5
ok, accidents here and there
day 6
first (and, thus far, the only) poop in undies, massive mess
day 7
day 8
GREAT!  lots of asking to go and actually going.  lots of holding it until getting on the potty.  no accidents.  best day yet!


day 1
went immediately both #1 and #2 (twice)
then dripped 3 times and then ran to potty
day 2
accident outside with shorts on x 2
poop accident x 2
day 3
dripped once before making it to potty
pooped in potty
days 4 & 5
day 6
poop problems caused pee problems both resulting in disaster and ending with pooping in the yard (which, btw, my neighbor picked up thinking it was her dog).
day 7
day 8
GREAT!  lots of asking to go and actually going.  lots of holding it until getting on the potty.  no accidents.  best day so far!

Potty training 2 boys at a time is, well, a hot mess.  Though, having 2 isn't even my biggest challenge.  Having 4 kids is.  Do you know how hard it is to help a 2 year old pull his underwear down, while another toddler holds on to your leg for dear life, while holding a baby, and listening to another child yell 'Mama' repeatedly and progressively louder?   Despite it all, I'm cautiously optimistic about future progress!


Alec said...

I also love watching little boy’s play with their little wet penises it makes me really hard. I would remove Ethans hand from his penis and put my hands on his penis and start stroking his penis off then I would tell Ethan that I am going to inspect your penis so I then stick his cute smooth smelly little boy penis into my mouth and suck on him until he moans and spurts his cum I would be sticking my finger up his bum while sucking on his penis, then I will be moving on to his brother Owen I will open his legs up a tiny bit more then take his penis and suck on his penis while I am fingering his tiny tight bum I would tell him that he is super tight in his bum. I would suck until he spurts his cum into my mouth

Unknown said...

Same I would suck it all day but just saying kids at that age can't cum but if they could I would be there everyday to suck it

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Pictures of twin boys doing potty training together? It's the perfect time for daddy to introduce them to the joys of dick sucking. They suck his dick each on his potty and then they suck each other off each on his potty while daddy films it on his phone for his friends on the dark web. Then it's a filthy 3some in the bathroom while daddy fucks each in turn while each sucks the other's dick.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous it looks like you know how to do little boys. Hey folks, if you can get your baby twins to have sex, you're obligated to post it online. That's something all the pervs should get to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

So right.that qould be hot as fu k.if they had a sister dad twin boys gangbang her.cherry on top.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I want to 69 with both of your little boys.

Anonymous said...

Those invite links don't work anymore. Please post a new one with only toddler boys getting and giving blowjobs. Nothing older than kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

Post a link of little boys aged from 1-9 getting fucked and Sucking dick

Anonymous said...

You all are fucked in the head, go kill your self.

Anonymous said...

Would be nice if they could .

Anonymous said...!v3JRBI5I

Anonymous said...

Hi a man with an 8inch penis here I really like your boy. He is so beautifull, I would love to suck his nice smooth willy till he gets the feeling then he could suck mine till I cum in is mouth. Later gently I would ease my pens up his bum and give him the time of his life

Anonymous said...

It''s me again I would do the same to the other one too but not until I saw them sucking each other off. I think I've ejaculated over them.

Anonymous said...

Pedo wants cum inside his ass

Anonymous said...

You're not helping them dumbfuck

Anonymous said...

Kinda the dumbass parents fault that they're getting these comments

Anonymous said...
Group chat for CP no scams or bullshit 100% CP and if you join I have lots to share and to anyone who joined a TeleGuard group chat it’s no more so I made a new one on telegram sincerely FreeVee