Thursday, June 26, 2008

New to Blogland

I'm not yet convinced of this so called blogging but I shall give it a go... Here's an update on our lives. Recently Chris went to Syracuse for his friend Kevin's bachelor party.

I'm sure it was good clean fun...with Pete in charge how could it not be!

The following weekend I went to Texas and very unlike myself I took NO pictures. I made up for it the next weekend when Chris and I traveled to upstate New York for his cousin Amy's wedding.

Sorry Chad...I had to share this. Here are Chad's views on nipples. Yes, nipples.

The very next weekend we drove to Westchester New York to go to Kevin and Jenn's wedding.

Congrats to the newlyweds! After four busy weeks we are happy to be home for awhile. I'm sure Mazie and Emma are happy about it too.

1 comment:

suzspeaks said...

Welcome to blogland!!! I can't wait to keep up with better keep it up!