Thursday, October 7, 2010

all things Ryan: 3 months

He's growing up so fast! Seriously. He's growing before my very eyes. In a mere three months he's more than doubled his birth weight, weighing in at ~14 pounds. And he's gone from 18.5 in to 24 in long! He has a box of outgrown clothes to prove it (in case you don't believe me).

Monthly Picture (click here to compare to last month)

And one second later...

Here's what my little chunky monkey is up to...

~He's learned to roll from his back to his belly. However, since he doesn't like being on his tummy and he can't yet go from belly to back here's how this activity goes: roll from back to belly, scream, mom/dad puts arms underneath body to encourage mini push up, scream, mom/dad rescues baby, repeat, repeat, repeat~

~He's now wearing size 2 diapers and mostly size 3-6 months clothes~

~He smiles all day:)

~He continues to love bath time. Since the time his umbilical cord fell off we've been putting him in the bath with one of us rather than in his little tub. And although less environmentally friendly, so much more fun! He swims around, kicking his legs with a great big smile on his face~

~Our nighttime routine starts around 6pm and is a family affair. First up, bath time. One person gets the bath ready (and bottle warming for afterwards), while the other person gets the baby naked. Then in the tub goes either mom or dad and then baby. Once dry and in his pj's comes story time in the glider. If mom holds then dad reads and vice versa. Up next daddy gives Ryan his bottle while mom gets the room ready for bed (curtains closed, lights off but dimmed for later feeding, room picked up, etc.). I kiss him goodnight and Chris lays him down~

~At night, he (usually) sleeps between 5 and 7 hours, breastfeeds, gets up three hours later to feed again, sometimes he goes back to sleep for another hour, sometimes not. Apparently, this is subject to change, without notice, any given night~

~He now loves music and sounds. We particularly love to rock out to the Rolling Stones Rockabyes (thanks Shannon)! ~

~He sits in the Bumbo for a few minutes at a time~

~Though his umbilical hernia is getting smaller, it's still a whopper~

~He's getting more hair on the top of his head (yes, Chris is jealous)~

~His eye tracking has greatly improved. It is soo adorable to watch him watch his daddy getting ready in the morning~

~His eyes are still blue! Woo hoo! ~

~He loves to play on a blanket or in his play yard. He watches the ceiling fan, the toys above him, and sometimes his crazy momma. And I love that he can entertain himself for 15 minutes this way!~

~He continues to be the most loved baby ever!~


Anonymous said...

Soooo cute Jen!! Love the routine postings!

suzspeaks said...

he is perfect! So cute... I love this post too! I REALLY love the quilt!!!