Tuesday, March 1, 2011

all things Ryan: 8 months

EIGHT months already! He's weighing in at 18 lbs, up, I mean down 1 lbs from last month. Uh, oh. As for length, he's 28.5 inches tall, up 1.5 in from last month. Here are just a few of the many things I hope to remember about this month...

Monthly Chair Picture

~He's such a mellow baby. Don't get me wrong, he's constantly exploring while awake. He loves playing with his toys, books, zippers on my clothes, and just about anything else he can get his hands and mouth on. Along with being calm, he's also a pretty quite baby.

~He will bend over backwards to see a TV or get to our computer or blackberry.

~He continues to sleep through the night, most of the time. If he does wake, he nurses and then it's back to bed.

~He's started squishing his face. He started doing it when he was frustrated, but now he does it just to be silly. It makes me smile every time.

~He wakes up incredibly happy. He usually plays in his crib awhile before requesting to be let loose.

~He still sucks his thumb when he's sleepy or upset.

~He still uses rolling as his primary method of movement but he's now incorporated a slight army crawl. He seems to have zero interest in getting on his knees for a true crawl.

~He still loves the Moby. Here he is being my taste tester. Mmmm.....pureed prunes!

~He's become a bit more selective with his foods. He prefers fruits over veggies. His most recent new foods are whole milk yogurt and blueberries.

~He's decided to completely refuse the bottle. He won't even entertain the idea of the bottle. He swats it away as if disgusted by the thought. This has, by far, been the most challenging issue this month. We've substituted one daytime bottle for solids. While we offer a second bottle during the day, he generally refuses, so we then mix some milk into his solids and he takes it like a champ. To top it off, he won't take a sippy cup either! This is likely the cause for his weight loss which we are working on.

~He recently found his penis! Grabs it at every opportunity. Perhaps this is what prompted him to learn to undo his diapers...

~So, add ortho to the list of specialists seen. Nonna noticed Ry's thumbs were unsymmetrical. Yes, his doctor father, nurse mother, and his pediatrician didn't notice this. Anyhoo, his right thumb is smaller than his left. Diagnosis, uh, unequal thumbs. If his function is compromised it may need medical intervention in the future but I highly doubt it.

~He continues to be such a happy baby. He laughs at the silliest things which in turn makes me do the silliest things. But few things are funnier to Ryan than Mazie...eating ice, scratching her head, tap dancing for food, hilarious!

~Just when I think I couldn't possibly love him more, I do!


He was being such a ham during the 'monthly chair photoshoot' I just have to share...


Shannon said...

8 MONTHS!! Wow. I love the squishy face!!

suzspeaks said...

Oh Jen! I just want to squeeze him! I cannot believe he is 8 months already! too funny that he is undoing his diaper... hopefully there will be no major fall outs! ha!

He's so cute!!