Wednesday, March 30, 2011

all things Ryan: 9 months

My baby is 9 months old! He's still as sweet as can be and he's up to 19.5 lbs (40th %) and 29 inches long (80th %). Here are his monthly chair pics and his current quirks and happenings...

~ He kisses! Of course, he's been getting kisses regularly for 9 months now. We didn't teach him to kiss. In fact, I first noticed him kissing the animals in his books. Now he kisses us. Normally he waits til we ask for a kiss but today he started copying us kiss one in other words, when I kiss Chris, Ryan leans in and kisses Chris too. He kisses with an open mouth and sometimes he slips in a little tongue. And like us, he can't help kiss himself (or rather his reflection in the mirror).

~ He's such a happy, easy going baby, however he certainly requires his sleep. He currently takes 3, 1 hour naps a day and sleeps about 10 hours at night.

~ Ryan said his first word: Mama! He's been practicing his 'mmm' sounds for quite sometime now and there were many times I heard mama or mamamamama in his conversations. It wasn't until Chris got up with him in the middle of the night and Ryan said 'Mama' that I knew he was saying it.

~ He's working on waving. He's done it a few times, with a lot of coaching, but he's not sure it's something he wants to stick with just yet.

~ He's starting to army crawls towards more than cell phones. And his technique is improving.

~ He loves playing with paper. In fact, he gets a present from the mailbox everyday! I knew that junk mail had purpose.

~ Still no significant drinking from the sippy cup but he does take sips here and there. I've tried inticing him with apple juice (100% organic and sugar free of course) and homemade prune flavored water (cause he loves his prunes) but he just refuses most of the time. Oh, and unless he's laying on his back he won't even entertain the idea of putting it in his mouth. And bottles, absoultely not!

~ He's such a ham! He loves to make his silly face for the camera.

~ He couldn't be a more loved baby!

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