Friday, December 30, 2011's TWINS

Keeping this secret for nearly 2 months has been exhausting to say the least. So it was quite a relief to let the cat, or shall I say cats, out of the bag on Christmas.

Each parent received the same gift; a framed ultrasound picture with a note 'Surprise, its Twins!'. Since we were in NY for Christmas, Chris's parents received the picture directly from us. As Judy opened the gift she said 'I think I know what this is' to which I replied 'I'm pretty sure you don't!'. She was surprised.

For my mom, I sent the gift home with her from her last trip here, only I had put someone elses name on it so she wouldn't open it before Christmas. Sneaky me. I then called my brother and asked him to switch the tag on Christmas day and record her response if possible. Apparently he was caught a bit of guard when she first opened it but here she is a few seconds later...

My dad got the same gift, delivered by my brother. Though Dustin did capture his response on video, I've yet to see it. However, my dad did tell me it was the best Christmas present ever.


Shannon said...

That made me cry! I love your mom. I can only imagine the excitement she was feeling as a Grandma!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter and son in law have a boy that just turned 2 1/2 last Friday. They found out on 12/20 that she is expecting twins too! She gave us the same type of xmas gift this year, they kept it quiet that they were preggers until 12/23 . What an exciting time for you and your family!