Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pregnancy Update

28 Weeks
32 Weeks
35 Weeks
So, baby girls birthday is right around the corner.  Being pregnant and caring for 3 little ones 24/7 is beyond exhausting.  Every day is increasingly uncomfortable.  I'm fairly certain she's in there trying to crush my pelvis.  Seriously, ouch.  And I now sleep with a euro pillow under my pillow due to worsening reflux.  Don't forget the back pain and achy feet.  Take into account I'm up and down on the floor all. day. long.  and the fact I repeatedly lift the twins and I'm lucky to still be standing!  Ok, complaint session over.

36 Weeks
Sleeping has become difficult.

36 Weeks

37 Weeks
I'm up 24 pounds.  I started taking Ambien.  Have I mentioned I love Ambien?  Love.

38 Weeks
I can't get enough ice.  Seriously, this must be what it's like to be addicted.  Chris and I have finally decided on a name.  Well, we're pretty sure!   My feet have yet to swell...this is so unlike me.  I'm hoping this is a sign I won't have as many problems with postpartum swelling. 

I'm working as fast as my slow self can to get things ready for baby girl.  Not only am I trying to get things ready for her but also for my absence while away in the hospital.  There's nothing like waiting until the last minute. 
38 Weeks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep lifting your top!