Monday, March 9, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

A perfect baby that is....ok, well not yet. But it will!

To post or not to post? I debated for awhile and just decided to go for it. For some it may be can always skip ahead.

Knowing we wanted children we decided to forgo birth control soon after we married. A year later, with no success, we met with a fertility specialist. Since then I have been poked and prodded in an attempt to dissolve the mystery. Today I underwent a diagnostic laproscopy to check for endometreosis (common cause of infertility). Part of me wanted to be told I had the disease so that I could fix it and move on, however, it was negative.

Though while I was in surgery they did another test to check for patent tubes(check), but the test requires some cervical manipulation and the difficulty of the test combined with the difficulty of a previous similar test, my doctor suspects the problem may be the size of my cervix. The easiest way around this is intrauterine insemination (in other words, skip the fun part). So, now we are in the process of considering this possible step and that's where we stand now.

In an attempt to keep track I have added our IF timeline to the right. Hopefully it won't get any longer. Keep your fingers crossed.


Jenny Rizer said...

Thanks for the update! I don't think it's TMI! :) I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Shannon said...

Good luck! Love the updates on the side bar. I'll keep checking back. It will all be worth it in the end! Children are such a blessing. Morgan has completely changed my life, for the better. :)

Summer said...

Oh Jen...I had no idea. I am sorry its not happening on your time table (patience was never our thing was it?), but I'm glad you are getting some answers and forging ahead. The good news is, if you are blessed with multiples, TLC will give you your own show!!
