A couple days ago I walked into work. Walked straight to the fridge to drop my lunch off. I opened the fridge the door which caught my left great toenail and somehow managed to pull it up. Not off, but about 90% detached. Not that I looked. It was a bit (ok- VERY) painful and bloody. Fortunately the ER nurse a couple offices over was there to examine it. An hour later I was in the ER. After 6 (yes 6) shots in the toe they removed the nail. Then they trimmed it up and put it back on! Who knew? The doc said it would naturally come off in a couple days. The doc did not say that water would get underneath the nail, cause an infection, turn red, and be painful! So, my darling husband said take off the nail. Problem solved. I can't get it off! I think the water is causing my nail to suction to my foot and the infection is producing sticky stuff that is holding in on. Gross I know. The best part is my toe drips water at random.
Oh and as if I shots weren't enough, I had to get a tetanus shot. The shot itself was fine. However, the next day was a different story.
Onto the next medical story. After 5 days of follistim injections I had an ovarian ultrasound. Turns out I responded very well. They did a estrogen blood test and expected me to be around 200 or 300. Each 200-600 indicate a good egg. I was at 1300 (what can I say, Im an overachiever)! Before getting the results back I took another dose of follistim so who knows what my levels got up to. Since then I have taken a shot of Ovadrel (to make the eggs drop and be useful) and started a two week course of progesterone (to make a nice cozy environment for an embryo). This is the fist time in 9 months of treatment I have actually had productive results! Keep your fingers crossed;)
Just from what I can see, your toe looks like it hurts alot!! Congrats on the MSN, and that's great news about your fertility results!
Ugh....your toe sounds painful! Sorry to hear about that, but thankful to hear about school being done and you having your MSN...that's awesome! I'm so proud of you. We'll continue to pray for the Lord's will to be done in your fertility world! :)
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