Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 1st

I'm not sure if those outside the medical community are aware of the significance of July 1st: It's the day when all newly graduated doctors, referred to as interns, begin their journey into doctorhood. For this reason, it is commonly referred to as the worst day to seek medical attention. I mention all of this because Chris has officially finished his residency! He is now working under his own medical license! Who wouldn't feel comfortable in these hands?

I was prepared for the worst most crazy three years, but I must say it was ok.

While I'm talking about my sweet love, I want to make a comment about the garden. Chris planted a few pumpkin seeds back with everything else. Funny thing is, they are growing to be quite the big watermelons! That's right, it appears he accidentally planted watermelons instead of pumpkins! How, you ask? That's a good question!

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