Sunday, July 19, 2009


In the online infertility world TWW stands for two week wait--the two weeks after a procedure before you can take a pregnancy test. However, I have a different TWW this month. Waiting for my 'comp' results. It's just a matter of graduating! Either I do or I don't. No biggie.

On Friday I got my drugs for next month. Woo hoo for drugs! I realize it's twisted to get so excited to give myself shots but it just seems like progress in this whole IF if this cyst will just go away so I can use them.

While waiting at the pharmacy recently I bought a couple stuffed toys for Emma. They are made for dogs and I just couldn't help myself. Even though she destroys them in minutes, she just gets so excited, so it's worth the couple bucks. Now, this one has no eyes (aka choking hazards)....

Ten minutes later...doesn't she look proud?

Next week she gets her first taste of chocolate...

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