Wednesday, March 10, 2010

4 month countdown...

The first time I felt little man kick, at 21 weeks, I looked at Chris and said "I think I felt him...maybe not". Then a minute later, "I felt it again". Then once again a couple hours later. I knew it was the real deal when I kept feeling it the next day. It felt like a little pucker from inside. A very gentle tap. And each day I feel more and more. In fact, at 23 weeks Chris was able to feel him kick!

Along the same note, sometimes I feel like my uterus is spasming, it feels hard for no longer than a minute. Maybe it's baby boy doing a body roll...who knows. Oh, and I realize this sounds nuts, but leave it to a previous NICU nurse, little man is now viable outside my uterus. Of course, I'd rather not put that to the test.

I hit the 6 month mark this Saturday. Sometimes I feel like I have forever and other times I feel like he'll be here in no time. We're slowly working on the room. The crib is put together. The closets are painted and the shelves will go up this weekend. Chris also plans on building the valance over the weekend. As for me, I'm working on cleaning and organizing the office (trust me, this is no simple task). I feel a sudden urgency to get this place in order!

Chris is still working on getting a job. Actually he just left for dinner with one of the possibilities. I'm happy so long as he's happy, but I'll admit being 6 months pregnant makes me feel a bit more pressure.

Here's my belly at 23 weeks...

And a few pics of project crib...

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