Saturday, March 13, 2010

6 month check up

I went to the OB on Thursday. After waiting for forever in the waiting room I was called back. First things first, I got on the scale. Expecting a 4-5 pound gain, I was quite surprised when the scale revealed a 23 pound gain! Say what! I giggled and said, "I'm fairly certain that's wrong".

The nurse (and I use that title loosely): "A lot of women say that".
Me: "No really, I think I would have noticed a 23 pound wait gain!"
Nurse: "Oh, lets try another scale."

Turns out I gained 5 pounds, about a pound ahead of schedule, but lets face it, the scales in that office are not all that trust worthy.

She then took me to the bathroom where I was instructed to pee in a cup. I had to go really bad so I went, forgetting the cup completely! Opps. A couple cups of water later I completed the task!

Baby's heartbeat check, blood pressure check, urine check, braxton hicks contractions check. Yep, turns out the tensing in my belly are braxton hicks. She said some are normal and ok and gave me parameters and directions for handling more. No worries.

I have another appointment in a month and then I move to every two weeks...

Last night we went to Chris's work party. I'm happy to report I wore a regular-non-maternity dress!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I forgot to pee in the cup too when I was pregnant with Morgan! So funny!