Friday, March 26, 2010

The Baby Lab

I ran across a new show on the health channel called The Baby Lab. When I switched the channel I thought it was about baby labradors, yet it was about something I knew much more about. It takes 3 couples and shows their stories of infertility. I'm not sure which gets more tears flowing, watching someone get bad news after undergoing IVF or watching someone get good news.

It reminded me just how lucky we were in our treatment process.

1st: We live near several quality fertility clinics. Some people spend the entire month of IVF in a hotel close to their doctor.

2nd: Our infertility issues appeared to be one sided. As if that's not challenging enough, many people are battling a female and male problem.

3rd: Though we aren't considered young in terms of having kids, we're younger than many people undergoing treatments. And in this process age is really important.

4th: We spent a year in treatments. For many people it takes much longer.

5th: And of course, the most important reason we are fortunate, it worked! For so many it never does.

As for our baby, he's kicking up a storm and as of last week we can see him movin and grovin! I just can't believe such a tiny baby can be so strong. As for me, I've made the transition from tums to pepcid and other than that I feel great. And, we're now in double digits....only 99 more days to go!


Shannon said...

I watched that show a long time ago when it came out and again yesterday. I cry on both sides of it too!

suzspeaks said...

I haven't seen the show, but I'm so thankful that your story was a success!
Oh, how I wish pepcid had been otc 5 years ago!