Monday, August 4, 2008

Genius or Organizational Crisis?

Haven't you heard that a messy desk is a sign of a genius? Or did I make that up?

My work away from home has gotten me a bit behind on my work at home. Starting with my desk. It is actually resembles a war zone. I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong. I cut back on many of the things I previously keep such as bills and statements. Anything paper that can easily be found online I trash. Yet the paper is out of control. As I look around at the mess I see stuff I've been meaning to address, a couple wedding cards that need to go out, some misc. pictures needing to find homes, coupons, work papers, need I go on...

As if the desk isn't bad enough the mess is migrating to other areas. The sewing table and the school table (courtesy of my kleptomania days).

And of course, the top of the stairs. This is where my efforts to clean downstairs fail miserably.

Hopefully, sharing this with the world will motivate me to organize!


suzspeaks said...

I have plenty of stacks too... I try to stuff it all into drawers...I have about 5 drawers full of "stuff"!

Shannon said...

Thats about what our desk looks like, but we dont "work" at our desk. Its just messy! For "I've been tagged, its 7 random facts that not everybody knows..."