Friday, August 8, 2008

Random Thoughts of a 29-Year-Old

I remember when my brother, Austin, was 14 he told me I was to old to understand what he was talking about. One minute I was the cool older sister, the next I was the old older sister- at 23! I remember thinking...when did I become an adult, much less an old one? At 23, I had just graduated college, was in grad school and I was still partying as hard as ever- I was the epitome of cool.

Over the last 10 years I recall periodically thinking to myself 'being an adult is strangely like being a kid with different rules.' Last year, as I was getting ready for my wedding, I said 'I can't believe I'm getting married', as if I couldn't possibly be old enough. My friend, Kendall, said to me, "you have a career, a mortgage and a soon-to-be husband and you still think you are a kid." She was right.

I was talking about this with my dad and he told me once I had kids I would feel differently. Perhaps. But do I really want to feel differently?

Well, I was watching Oprah (sounds like an old thing to do but I've done it all my life so it doesn't count) and the Jonas brothers were on. Apparently they are the hottest thing right now and I didn't even know who they were! That made me feel a bit old.

I also notice I now turn down the radio in the car when I'm thinking. Old. I think the younger generations shoes and clothes are dumb. Old. I get a kick out of forwards titled 'if you were a kid in the 80's'. Old.

Maybe I am an adult, an adult in denial.


Jenn's Mom said...

Honey, there's nothing wrong with denying adulthood as long as you know who you are, what you want and where you're going...said from the woman who has no idea who she is, knows what she wants but can't get it and has no idea where she's going. You are much older than your years and yet so young at heart. I can't think of a better place to be.

Summer said...

BTW, having children does not make you feel like an adult, but all the sleep deprivation does!

p.s. I LOVE the Jonas Brothers!

Jenny Rizer said...

I love seeing the pics of you "growing up!" I've been married for almost 8 years, have a career, and two kids and I still can't believe I'm old enough for any of it! :) I think that's a good thing...