Sunday, November 8, 2009

six weeks and still growing

Chris and I went in for an ultrasound on Wednesday. It was not expected that we would see the baby but we hoped to see the baby's bed, aka the gestational sac (*see the black spot below). And we did! The doctor said there is a 90% chance a baby will grow in there. Sooo, I go back on Friday to see a baby. I will be 6 weeks and 6 days so with a transvaginal ultrasound I should be able to hear a heartbeat as well. If we see and hear what we want then I graduate to a regular OB.

My ovaries are still huge. They should be the size of walnuts and they are more the size of oranges! This explains the Buddha belly I'm sporting. It also explains why I have to pee constantly, they are pushing on my bladder. Afterall, ovaries are intended to produce one egg a month...not 28!


Shannon said...

Looks cozy in there!

Summer said...

Is that the same as the " yolk" sac? Gestational is a much better word for that thing! Hooray for sacs!

killebrews said...

Hooray!!! Praying that you get to hear that beautiful sound on Friday!