Friday, January 6, 2012

Pondering TWINS

Though many people know we have fertility issues (its not like I keep it a secret), there are many that do not. The response, after hearing I'm pregnant with twins, is always "do twins run in your family" - see video below. Most times I don't feel like explaining our fertility issues so I say "My grandma is a twin". It's a true statement. And, hey, twins do skip a generation. Well, what I don't bother to clarify is that she's not my biological grandmother. Details.

Theres really no preparation for the obvious day to day complications of caring for twins, however I can prepare for the logistical issues that will arrise...

I'm not certain the appropriate 3 carseats will fit in my car. There's a slight chance they will fit in Chris's car. If not, we need a new car. Car. Not minivan.


I need a stroller to accommodate a 2 year old and 2 infants that also fits in the trunk. I'm thinking of a sit and stand option. In the beginning, Ryan can sit in the actual seat and the baby can sit in the infant carrier. As the babies get older, one of them can sit in the seat while Ry sits/stands in the jumpseat. While one baby rides on the stroller, the other rides on me. This beats a triple stroller. I think. Or maybe a side by side...

Sleeping arrangements
Chris and I've talked a lot about how to accommodate the babies in our rental house. We have an upstairs that we don't really use but I can't fathom taking the babies up and down on a regular basis so we've decided to keep everyone downstairs. In the beginning the babies will stay in our room. Once we want to transition them out of our room we will move us into the small playroom and the babies will get our current room. Downside is no playroom, but between Ryan's room and the babies room I think there will be plenty of play space.

By the time the babies need more than one crib Ryan will be out of his crib. Sweet.

As of this early moment I plan to breastfeed both babies and supplement as necessary. I've already looked into it and realize I have to feed them both at the same time or else all I'd do is nurse. So, I watched a youtube video on just how to do it. Totally possible.

It occurred to me that I will no longer be able to fly to Texas without Chris. Not only would it be impossible to fly with 2 babies and a toddler but I'm fairly certain the airline won't allow it. I foresee my mom flying to Virginia to turn around and fly back with us (afterall she did it once so I wouldn't have to fly alone with Ryan).

In addition, it seems rather impossible to take 3 carseats and 3 children on a plane. Not to mention the fact that our family members don't have a single car that can accommadate us all. So, I expect we'll have to rent a car, um I mean minivan, complete with carseat rentals as well.

Yes, I realize I will have THREE babies in diapers at the same time. I feel like the we'll need to wait as long as possible to potty train Ryan (rationale: so the twins are older and slightly less demanding). We'll likely wait until Ryan is at least 2 and a 1/2, which I hear is plenty early for boys.

I'm going to look into cloth diapering both babies...with Ryan we didn't start cloth until he was 6 months old and while that worked really well I'm tossing around what to do this time. While I'm much more educated about cloth, I know newborns are different and there are TWO to consider.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Good idea to wait on the potty training. That was the hardest part of having Reese and all of her issues when Morgan relapsed. I hear the magic time is 2-3 months before 3 for most kiddos anyway, and that proved to be true for Morgan. Oh just think how much fun it will be potty training the twins!!!!!!!!