Saturday, January 2, 2010

14 Weeks

I must say I'm lucky to be pregnant in the age of low rise pants. I would've never made it this far in regular clothes if my waistbands were near my belly button. I want to reiterate that my stomach has never been the same since IVF. However, it is my assessment that my pooching belly has changed from enlarged ovaries to actual pregnancy belly (in other words my belly no longer hurts to the touch). Anyway, yesterday was the first day I couldn't get my pants buttoned. Chris found it very amusing that I used a rubber band (thanks Mom) to keep them closed.

My belly is certainly not noticeable to others just yet, but its my confirmation that I'm still pregnant. Strange it may sound but after two years of trying it seems so surreal. As for the rest of me I do feel good. I'm glad to have traded the extreme tiredness and all day sickness for a touch of heartburn and a few headaches. If only Tylenol actually worked!


Shannon said...

The rubber band is awesome! I used that also to get to wear my clothes just a little bit longer. I can't believe you are already 14 weeks. Pretty soon you will get to see what you are having if you choose to find out!

suzspeaks said...

it's a cute little belly!! I used the rubber band trick for a while... awesome!!