Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our sweet Mazie (see her in one of the pictures below) turned 10 years old on January 30th. It's quite amazing how much she's changed in 1o years. She was the worlds worst puppy. No seriously, I could tell you some stories. She shredded everything from stacks of cash (no I wasn't rich, I waited tables at the time) to the walls. It wasn't until she was about 4 that she could be trusted, and that's still on a limited basis. While her personality still prevails, she now has some old lady attributes, the details of which I will spare you. However, I will say her arthritis is getting worse and I'm currently on the hunt for some doggie stairs so she can continue to get on her futon. Gotta love her.

And now for a few changes to our house. As we were doing a bit of home renovation this weekend, I realized I never posted our last home upgrade. Our floors!

Old kitchen floor...yuck

Old living room and hallway floors...yuck
New floors!
The new floors are carried throughout the entire downstairs
(living room, hallway, kitchen, the guest bedroom, and the girls room)

Last week we got new blinds throughout the house. This may seem minimal but they really brighten up the place.

Old blah blinds
New exciting blinds!

And this weekend my personal handyman removed this dingy sink and faucet
And replaced it with this masterpiece!
These renovations are meant for our enjoyment, not to sell the house. In other words, we've decided to stay put for a little while. "A little while" translates into a minimum of two years. The decision was made for a variety of reasons, one of which is our embryos are here. After that, who knows!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I love the floors! It would be sad to leave your embryos behind I guess. :)