Friday, July 18, 2008

Crazy Maize

Shortly after we moved into our house two years ago, our neighbor, Keith, gave each of the girls a rib bone. I'm not sure if this was a one time event or if it happened a couple times. Either way, it has not happened in nearly two years. However, Mazie, a true beagle who thinks with her stomach, remembers this. Over the years she has become obsessed with Keith. If she is inside and hears his car she will ask to go outside. She chewed through the fence once to get to his yard. Mostly, she just stalks him. No really, she just sits by the fence starring at his house.

Recently she has taken it one step farther...she now, occasionally, barks angrily at him if he comes outside and doesn't give her anything. It's bizarre!

Despite all, she is still super sweet...

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