Saturday, October 10, 2009


They removed 28 eggs! More eggs correlates with better IVF success rates. Bascially, the more eggs you have, the more that will fertilize, and the more you can be selective on transfering the best looking embryos. So how many is normal? I don't really know, but I do know that, according to Google, in my age group more than 7 is optimal. Woo hoo!

Chris did a nice job of documenting the day. Here is a pre-retrieval, pre-drugged pic...

Post-retrieval, Post-drugs...
Video #1: How do you feel?
Video #2: What do you remember?

I left the clinic feeling great. The nurse told me to expect cramps similar to regular menstral cramps only times 28! Boy she wasn't kidding. Four wasted tylenol, 1 lortab, and 2 percocets later I can hardly walk. But it's all worth it!

Next step: Tomorrow the doctor will call and tell us how many fertilized.


Shannon said...

Keep us updated as soon as you know!!

Summer said...

Sorry jen but " how do you feel" that's the girl I knew in college! The "what do you remember" jen is the beautiful and happy mother to be! Congratulations on a very blessed weekend!

suzspeaks said...

soo sweet! Love the video's! I'm so excited!!