Friday, October 16, 2009

now we wait (impatiently)

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Before the transfer we were given a picture of our embies to be transferred! Aren’t they sweet? The pics were taken the morning of the transfer and Chris was able to peek at them under a microscope right before the transfer. He said they already looked different than the pictures.

My doctor said the transfer received a 90 for ease. I agree. It was less painful than my previous IUI’s. The only discomfort was the pushing on my mandatory full bladder! They froze 3 more embryos for a total of 9 frozen embies. They will watch the others for a day or so to see if any of them are freeze worthy as well. And, of course they transferred 2 into my cozy, welcoming, happy uterus. Now the little boogers just need to grab on!

Everyone knows I can’t be ordinary or do anything the easy way, so it is no surprise I've developed ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). With my last E2 level being 3800 and having 28 eggs this is not unexpected. Or so says my doctor. I, however, did not expect it. At least I know why I have felt so bad since the retrieval. I was the sickest the morning of the transfer so my doctor gave me the option of freezing the embies and doing a frozen embryo transfer next month. I said, NO! Now, the only thing that makes OHSS worse is getting pregnant! If the transfer is unsuccessful the sickness will resolve within a couple weeks. If successful, the symptoms will resolve within 1 to 2 months. So, here's wishing for a lengthy sickness!

Also, my doctor asked me to consider transferring only one embryo to reduce the risk of twins. Again I said, NO! Yes, transferring two increases the risk of twins but it also increases the chance of just one sticking, so that was a no brainer.

The OHSS makes me incredibly nauseous and thus selective on what I can eat. Last night, on request, Chris made mac and cheese and mash potatoes for dinner! It was perfect. Thanks Love!


Unknown said...

I'm praying both those babies stick and grow! How long until you can take a pregnancy test and find out?

Jennifer said...

Thanks! In about 10 days I will have a blood test. I may need a valium before that test too;)

Shannon said...

Cute embies!