Sunday, December 6, 2009

10 Weeks

Having seen the heartbeat twice now has eased my mind, somewhat. The signs and symptoms of pregnancy, while bothersome, are also somewhat reassuring. If it's an early pregnancy symptom I have experienced it. I had morning, afternoon, and evening sickness for a couple weeks but it is seems to be passing.

The other symptoms are fleeting and rarely bothersome. Don't mistake any of this for complaining. The thrill of being pregnant outweighs any sickness! Oh, and Chris is picking up much of the slack around the house. Thanks Love.

I've been wanting to take an early pregnancy picture. You know, one before my belly changed. Well, I should have taken it before undergoing IVF; my belly has never been the same. So here is my 8 week shot...just know the belly is likely due to my ovaries not the baby!

My fertility doc said I could stop the shots at 10 no more shots! Over the last 8 weeks I had just over 50 IM shots in the bum! I have my first prenatal appointment tomorrow but I don't get another ultrasound until Thursday. Simply put, I won't learn anything about the baby tomorrow, just pregnancy stuff. You know, don't drink, get enough sleep, etc., etc.

1 comment:

killebrews said...

Hope you get a picture this time at your upcoming ultrasound! :)