Thursday, December 10, 2009

'Outing' Baby Hayes

Chris and I went for an ultrasound today and we saw our baby and his or her tiny heart beating 180 times a minute! The baby is growing steadily, however the little tike is still about a week behind schedule. It was, yet, a different doctor and he was not concerned with the small size.

After seeing the heartbeat three times, we're prepared to 'out' this pregnancy! Even though many people already know about it via this blog or via being 'in the know' about the IVF, we will now make it known to the world!


Jenny Rizer said...

Yeah for sharing the exciting news! So happy for you! :)

Shannon said...

Doesn't a faster heart beat usually mean a girl? That's just what I've heard:) So exciting!!

ob said...

Being a week behind also means that this could be a natural conception that had nothing to do with your treatments. Keep with the great updates.

Jennifer said...

Dr. I,
It would have had to been an imaculate conception...after removing 28 eggs we were placed on strict limits;)