Thursday, December 17, 2009

Resignation Delivered

I’m reading A Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy and it’s hysterical. It’s non-medical, straight talk about the startling effects of pregnancy. In the chapter titled Pregnancy Insanity it clearly states, among many things, do not quit your job. In other words, there are too many hormones running amuck to make such big decisions. But, of course, I’m not inflicted with this so called gestational psychosis so I feel free to disregard such advice!

I’ve thought it over for awhile and the timing just fell into place. I’ve been on a pediatric palliative and hospice team for a couple months and while I’m only required to work 8 hours a week, I am able to work up to 40. So, that’s just what I’m going to do (maybe not a full 40 hours, but certainly more than 8). In addition to working more there, I also accepted an adjunct position to teach once a week at a local community college. So there you have it.

Oh, Chris dressed up as a toy solider, complete with thigh high white pantyhose, to raise money at work today...I'm hoping for some sweet pictures to share!

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